Townscape is what we see and experience as we walk around our towns and cities.
The purpose of the preparation of a townscape study is specifically to identify the architectural and spatial features within a settlement that contribute to the quality of visual experience. The studies single out those elements such as unsatisfactory buildings or gaps within the street frontage that detract from the quality of the environment and simultaneously suggests opportunities for improvement by encouraging appropriate forms of development.
Townscape studies are a useful tool in support of Development Briefs insofar as they provide the justification for bringing forward development proposals contained in Local Development Documents prepared by local planning authorities.
Townscape Studies - St. Helier, St. Aubin and Gorey, Jersey
Theses studies were carried out by the practice on behalf of the Island Development Committee of the States of Jersey Government.
By way of introduction, the studies were prefaced by a definition of 'townscape' and a description of the principles that together constitute the art of urban design.
The studies focused upon three of the main built-up areas on the Island. In each case the examination of their townscape attributes was assembled in short 'guided tours' with sketches and other illustrations to emphasise essential elements of the text.
The object of the studies was to introduce the lay person to features of the built-up areas which not only possessed aesthetic value and were worthy of appreciation but also represented the intrinsic character and uniqueness of the Island.